palette: MyAry
August 29th 2014
palette: Bull and Goat Twins
Bull and Goat Twins
September 10th 2013
palette: Diseño 2000
Diseño 2000
February 23rd 2013
palette: PuBu 09 PuBu 09 August 2nd 2011
palette: Blues 06 Blues 06 August 2nd 2011
palette: Woodland Palette
Woodland Palette
Green like a succulent, ivory like a sheep's wool, blue like a robin's egg, brown like a fawn's coat.
July 9th 2013
palette: Modern flavor
Modern flavor
Grey, Yellow, Teal and White. Mhmm.
November 15th 2011
palette: GMT ocean GMT ocean August 2nd 2011
palette: Mundial
April 3rd 2012
palette: Sophisticate
December 23rd 2011
palette: teste app1
teste app1
cinza 1: texto da barra de titulo
cinza 2: texto da janela
cinza 3: barra de titulo
fundo da janela: gradiente entre cinza 4 e cinza 3 (mais claro em cima)
April 10th 2013
palette: YlGn 08 YlGn 08 August 2nd 2011
palette: Bull and Goat Twins
palette: Diseño 2000
palette: PuBu 09 PuBu 09 August 2nd 2011
palette: Blues 06 Blues 06 August 2nd 2011
palette: Woodland Palette
palette: Modern flavor
palette: GMT ocean GMT ocean August 2nd 2011
palette: Mundial
palette: Sophisticate
palette: teste app1
palette: YlGn 08 YlGn 08 August 2nd 2011