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image-dna: Zoozu
Himba for "Black", Zoozu is the color of the sky.
April 7th 2012
image-dna: Vapa
What the Himba define as "White". Vapa is the color of water.
April 7th 2012
image-dna: Dumbu
Himba Color Category.
April 7th 2012
image-dna: Zoozu
Roughly translates as "Black" to English from Himba language. Zoozu is the color of the sky. To the Himba, the sky is black. Puts the world in perspective doesn't it ;)
April 7th 2012
image-dna: Burou
A single color in the eye of the Himba. For science!
April 7th 2012
image-dna: Himba1Serandu
Serandu is one of the 6 color categories of the Himba tribe. To the Himba, this color palette would appear monochromatic!
April 7th 2012
image-dna: Himba1
April 7th 2012
image-dna: floflito
my first paleteeee
March 27th 2012
image-dna: Heaven from the Furnace
Heaven from the Furnace
Colors of a hand-blown glass vase.
March 17th 2012
palette: Variation 2 on "that's it"
Variation 2 on "that's it"
March 9th 2012
palette: Variation on "that's it"
Variation on "that's it"
March 9th 2012
palette: That's it!
That's it!
I think this is what I was looking for...
March 9th 2012
image-dna: tat
March 3rd 2012
image-dna: Beau Bear w/ Violin
Beau Bear w/ Violin
March 3rd 2012
image-dna: Vintage Roses
Vintage Roses
From an image at
February 16th 2012
image-dna: Color It!
Color It!
February 11th 2012
image-dna: 70's wonderland
70's wonderland
February 8th 2012
image-dna: lol
January 21st 2012
image-dna: International
January 19th 2012
palette: I Did Believe
I Did Believe
January 14th 2012
palette: Gentleway
January 11th 2012
palette: heart-space-2
December 18th 2011
gradient: Grading Map
Grading Map
December 5th 2011
palette: fresco moderno
fresco moderno
December 2nd 2011
pattern: Etch d Etch d August 2nd 2011
palette: AG spect6 AG spect6 August 2nd 2011
palette: AG ribbon16 AG ribbon16 August 2nd 2011
palette: sushi platter sushi platter August 2nd 2011
palette: passionflower passionflower August 2nd 2011
palette: beading beading August 2nd 2011
palette: rainbow sunset rainbow sunset August 2nd 2011
palette: sunlit clouds sunlit clouds August 2nd 2011
palette: natural natural August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG star AG star August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG rosewhit AG rosewhit August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG ribbon16 AG ribbon16 August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG litnin1 AG litnin1 August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG coldfire AG coldfire August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG blengbyg AG blengbyg August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG 560sel AG 560sel August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG 4zebbowx AG 4zebbowx August 2nd 2011
gradient: gr27 hult gr27 hult August 2nd 2011
gradient: jan sunrise jan sunrise August 2nd 2011
gradient: sushi platter sushi platter August 2nd 2011
gradient: passionflower passionflower August 2nd 2011
gradient: beading beading August 2nd 2011
gradient: sunlit clouds sunlit clouds August 2nd 2011
gradient: rainbow sunset rainbow sunset August 2nd 2011
pattern: German Pinks German Pinks August 2nd 2011
image-dna: Vapa
image-dna: Dumbu
image-dna: Zoozu
image-dna: Burou
image-dna: Himba1Serandu
image-dna: Himba1
image-dna: floflito
image-dna: Heaven from the Furnace
palette: Variation 2 on "that's it"
palette: Variation on "that's it"
palette: That's it!
image-dna: tat
image-dna: Beau Bear w/ Violin
image-dna: Vintage Roses
image-dna: Color It!
image-dna: 70's wonderland
image-dna: lol
image-dna: International
palette: I Did Believe
palette: Gentleway
palette: heart-space-2
gradient: Grading Map
palette: fresco moderno
pattern: Etch d Etch d August 2nd 2011
palette: AG spect6 AG spect6 August 2nd 2011
palette: AG ribbon16 AG ribbon16 August 2nd 2011
palette: sushi platter sushi platter August 2nd 2011
palette: passionflower passionflower August 2nd 2011
palette: beading beading August 2nd 2011
palette: rainbow sunset rainbow sunset August 2nd 2011
palette: sunlit clouds sunlit clouds August 2nd 2011
palette: natural natural August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG star AG star August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG rosewhit AG rosewhit August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG ribbon16 AG ribbon16 August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG litnin1 AG litnin1 August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG coldfire AG coldfire August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG blengbyg AG blengbyg August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG 560sel AG 560sel August 2nd 2011
gradient: AG 4zebbowx AG 4zebbowx August 2nd 2011
gradient: gr27 hult gr27 hult August 2nd 2011
gradient: jan sunrise jan sunrise August 2nd 2011
gradient: sushi platter sushi platter August 2nd 2011
gradient: passionflower passionflower August 2nd 2011
gradient: beading beading August 2nd 2011
gradient: sunlit clouds sunlit clouds August 2nd 2011
gradient: rainbow sunset rainbow sunset August 2nd 2011
pattern: German Pinks German Pinks August 2nd 2011