ColRD: Create and share color inspiration with the world.

HTML/CSS Color Codes For Land and Sea

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  1. HEX Colors:

  2. #ffffff
  3. #8f8f8f
  4. #15761d
  5. #fffc4c
  6. #8795ff
  7. #051c97
  1. RGB Colors:

  2. RGB(255, 255, 255)
  3. RGB(143, 143, 143)
  4. RGB(21, 118, 29)
  5. RGB(255, 252, 76)
  6. RGB(135, 149, 255)
  7. RGB(5, 28, 151)
  1. HSL

  2. HSL(0, 0%, 100%)
  3. HSL(0, 0%, 56.1%)
  4. HSL(125, 69.8%, 27.3%)
  5. HSL(59, 100%, 64.9%)
  6. HSL(233, 100%, 76.5%)
  7. HSL(231, 93.6%, 30.6%)


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