ColRD: Create and share color inspiration with the world.

HTML/CSS Color Codes For Pastel Rainbow

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  1. HEX Colors:

  2. #fea3aa
  3. #f8b88b
  4. #faf884
  5. #baed91
  6. #b2cefe
  7. #f2a2e8
  1. RGB Colors:

  2. RGB(254, 163, 170)
  3. RGB(248, 184, 139)
  4. RGB(250, 248, 132)
  5. RGB(186, 237, 145)
  6. RGB(178, 206, 254)
  7. RGB(242, 162, 232)
  1. HSL

  2. HSL(355, 97.8%, 81.8%)
  3. HSL(25, 88.6%, 75.9%)
  4. HSL(59, 92.2%, 74.9%)
  5. HSL(93, 71.9%, 74.9%)
  6. HSL(218, 97.4%, 84.7%)
  7. HSL(308, 75.5%, 79.2%)


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