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palette: zoco
June 10th 2012
palette: yustefotógrafo
8 colores
August 4th 2012
palette: Winter
February 11th 2012
palette: Wedding Option 1
Wedding Option 1
plum, chocolate, coral, ivory
February 5th 2012
palette: wedding
July 14th 2012
palette: wedding
July 14th 2012
palette: Webfinal2
Web funda
December 13th 2011
palette: Web
Web funda
December 6th 2011
palette: Web
Web funda
December 12th 2011
palette: Web
Web funda
December 12th 2011
palette: WCH2
July 15th 2012
palette: WCH
July 10th 2012
palette: wat6 wat6 August 2nd 2011
palette: WarmProfessional4
Choc wine lounge shell mushroom
September 24th 2011
palette: Warm Lip Tones
Warm Lip Tones
February 28th 2012
palette: warm automn
warm automn
October 11th 2011
palette: Vintage Spring Wedding
Vintage Spring Wedding
November 25th 2012
palette: Vintage Roses Palette
Vintage Roses Palette
February 16th 2012
palette: Venus Noon Venus Noon August 2nd 2011
palette: veils veils August 2nd 2011
palette: vb elder vb elder August 2nd 2011
palette: Variation on "that's it"
Variation on "that's it"
March 9th 2012
palette: Variation 2 on "that's it"
Variation 2 on "that's it"
March 9th 2012
palette: Val
June 5th 2012
palette: V
September 28th 2012
palette: urrrg
January 10th 2012
palette: Universal Design
Universal Design
October 15th 2012
palette: Uncertainty
November 20th 2011
palette: This little tea party of ours needs to be more saturated!
This little tea party of ours needs to be more saturated!
July 17th 2012
palette: The many Places of Myscritia 1#
The many Places of Myscritia 1#
This is an inspirational pallet, to test the imagination, to transform something dull, into something worth looking at....
September 25th 2012
palette: That's it!
That's it!
I think this is what I was looking for...
March 9th 2012
palette: taboo
January 8th 2012
palette: Syntha[1]
A color palette to my Vocaloid-self
December 18th 2011
palette: sushi platter sushi platter August 2nd 2011
palette: sunset in atlantis sunset in atlantis August 2nd 2011
palette: sunlit clouds sunlit clouds August 2nd 2011
palette: SummerSunset SummerSunset August 2nd 2011
palette: sudionotamrin
March 16th 2012
palette: Standard Colours
Standard Colours
August 27th 2012
palette: sp9
September 6th 2011
palette: sp1
September 6th 2011
palette: serendil serendil August 2nd 2011
palette: seashellsong1 seashellsong1 August 2nd 2011
palette: Scottish Thistle
Scottish Thistle
January 18th 2012
palette: S-Chart-Palette
October 23rd 2012
palette: Scene Queen
Scene Queen
January 11th 2012
palette: Saluna
main colors for Saluna
the fairy of the sun
December 5th 2011
palette: rrrrrnbn
June 4th 2012
palette: RPT Colors 2
RPT Colors 2
March 28th 2012
palette: Rotonda #2
Rotonda #2
October 14th 2012
palette: Rosy autumn
Rosy autumn
March 24th 2012
palette: Roses
Nice colors for a vintage wedding. Add dk brown and white for contrast.
January 19th 2012
palette: Rosebud Palette +
Rosebud Palette +
All the colors from pink going left are the colors in the original palette. By splitting it down the middle of the white there are two different "rosebud" combinations possible from this palette.
February 25th 2012
palette: rootchakra rootchakra August 2nd 2011
palette: Romantically Rustic Blush Wedding 2
Romantically Rustic Blush Wedding 2
Blush peonies, with mixed pink, bright pink flowers. Sage greenery, creamy white garden roses, over burlap.
September 18th 2012
palette: Romantically Rustic Blush Wedding
Romantically Rustic Blush Wedding
Blush, with pink, hot pink, creamy white flowers and sage greenery over burlap.
September 18th 2012
palette: Rich Mahogany
Rich Mahogany
A I created for use for some client work. The Requested feel was dark woods, leather, etc. Luxury at it's finest. This was inspired by the many leather-bound books in my apartment, which smells of rich mahogany.
August 31st 2011
palette: rgi 11 rgi 11 August 2nd 2011
palette: rgi 07 rgi 07 August 2nd 2011
palette: rgi 06 rgi 06 August 2nd 2011
palette: yustefotógrafo
palette: Winter
palette: Wedding Option 1
palette: wedding
palette: wedding
palette: Webfinal2
palette: Web
palette: Web
palette: Web
palette: WCH2
palette: WCH
palette: wat6 wat6 August 2nd 2011
palette: WarmProfessional4
palette: Warm Lip Tones
palette: warm automn
palette: Vintage Spring Wedding
palette: Vintage Roses Palette
palette: Venus Noon Venus Noon August 2nd 2011
palette: veils veils August 2nd 2011
palette: vb elder vb elder August 2nd 2011
palette: Variation on "that's it"
palette: Variation 2 on "that's it"
palette: Val
palette: V
palette: urrrg
palette: Universal Design
palette: Uncertainty
palette: This little tea party of ours needs to be more saturated!
palette: The many Places of Myscritia 1#
palette: That's it!
palette: taboo
palette: Syntha[1]
palette: sushi platter sushi platter August 2nd 2011
palette: sunset in atlantis sunset in atlantis August 2nd 2011
palette: sunlit clouds sunlit clouds August 2nd 2011
palette: SummerSunset SummerSunset August 2nd 2011
palette: sudionotamrin
palette: Standard Colours
palette: sp9
palette: sp1
palette: serendil serendil August 2nd 2011
palette: seashellsong1 seashellsong1 August 2nd 2011
palette: Scottish Thistle
palette: S-Chart-Palette
palette: Scene Queen
palette: Saluna
palette: rrrrrnbn
palette: RPT Colors 2
palette: Rotonda #2
palette: Rosy autumn
palette: Roses
palette: Rosebud Palette +
palette: rootchakra rootchakra August 2nd 2011
palette: Romantically Rustic Blush Wedding 2
palette: Romantically Rustic Blush Wedding
palette: Rich Mahogany
palette: rgi 11 rgi 11 August 2nd 2011
palette: rgi 07 rgi 07 August 2nd 2011
palette: rgi 06 rgi 06 August 2nd 2011