image-dna: Wheelchair Rental North
Wheelchair Rental North
Heavy duty manual wheelcair that can be self-propelled or pushed.350 lb. weight capacity. Remove-fold-up for transprt.$25 per day, weekly rate is $75: each additional day after the 7th day is $10 per. day.
July 29th 2015
image-dna: Oxygen Equipment Hawaii Oxygen Equipment Hawaii Both of our mothers utilized power wheelchairs. We saw first-hand how mobility scooters, power wheelchairs and the proper equipment could change the quality of one’s life and one’s experiences. Having the right equipment gave our mothers the ability to see and do more throughout the day. April 9th 2015
image-dna: Oxygen Equipment Hawaii Oxygen Equipment Hawaii Both of our mothers utilized power wheelchairs. We saw first-hand how mobility scooters, power wheelchairs and the proper equipment could change the quality of one’s life and one’s experiences. Having the right equipment gave our mothers the ability to see and do more throughout the day. April 9th 2015