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Fullscreen image-dna: Why You Need SSL for Your Website

Why You Need SSL for Your- Website

Cybersecurity poses a major challenge to online business, as hackers are becoming more numerous and daring in compromising websites, particularly commercial sites where sensitive financial information is exchanged. A breach can create huge liability costs and shake customer confidence in a business. That’s why all ecommerce sites should use secure sockets layer (SSL) protection.

SSL protects information by encrypting data between two computers. Only the host computer can decrypt the data and only the client computer can verify the SSL certificate. If the session is interrupted for any reason, the session is broken and must be reestablished. Sites that use SSL have a padlock icon in the address bar of visitors’ Internet browsers.

SSL is more than just a technical tool to provide security for transactions; it is a trusted name in security. When customers see the SSL icon, they’re reassured that their financial information is safe and secure. This helps build consumer loyalty and confidence in your brand.

Color Attribution:

  • sslcorp (Palette License: CC0. Contact image author for image licensing.)


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